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Surface Prep



Our unique way of doing business began with a handshake in 1945. Deeply honored by their trust in him, E. W. MacAllister accepted an invitation to be Caterpillar Tractor Company’s exclusive dealer in 68 Indiana counties. And a highly successful family-owned company was born.

The post-World-War-Two business boom at the time ended sixteen years of depression and sent demand for residential and commercial construction machinery off the charts. Initially, the new company’s greatest challenge was serving this surging need with the limited selection of Cat® equipment then available (D2, D4, D6. D7, and D8 tractors; 212, 112, and 12 motor graders; and DW10 and DW15 four-wheel tractor scraper units.)

With ingenuity and innovation that would become a permanent trait of its performance, the company met this challenge—and a host of others to follow. Through three generations of the MacAllister family, it has provided an ever-expanding line of superior quality products, relevant services, and advanced technologies to an ever-expanding clientele and variety of customers.

Every step along this path—including the creation of our Rental Division in 1999—has been taken to meet genuine needs… and to forge the kind of relationships that keep customers coming back.

This insistence on learning all we can, helping all we can, and being unfailingly dependable has made us the leader in our field in Indiana.

But the lesson of our history isn’t that you should work with us because we’re the leader. You should work with us because we earn that position over and over again, every day.

1107 E 181st St Westfield, IN 46074 | | Tel: 317-399-7739 | Mobile: 317-452-2236

4005 W. Fort Street Detroit, MI 48209 | | Tel: 313-395-2621 | Mobile: 313-498-3451

© 2023 by MacAllister Machinery. Proudly created by CHUNK Designs

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